My organization is early in a Microsoft 365 migration journey and I am currently working through our Exchange Online migration. One of our ICT staff recently asked a question about mailboxes, and in the process of writing my response I realized that I had essentially written a blog post that others may find valuable. These
I recently came upon a situation where I had designed a beautiful new intranet page for one of our support functions. You know – typical stuff…a nice clean display presenting documents on a page instead of directly in a document library. Everything was going great until testing when I found that the SharePoint 2013 Content
Over the past few weeks – after settling back in from Ignite – I have been compiling all of my OneNote notebooks, transcribing all of my chicken scratch notes (that only I can read), and putting together decks and watchlists from the conference to share with my team who are scattered across North America, Germany,
Some users might experience problems opening or editing files from SharePoint 2013 on-prem from outside the domain/network when using Office 2016. Specifically, the user might have receive messages stating that the file is corrupt even though other users can open and edit the file. Users external to the SharePoint domain or network would generally be the reporters of
I started this blog to post about things that I was using and learning at work, and at the time it was really focused on things in the Microsoft stack – SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, SQL, etc. However, I took a little detour a while back and left the Microsoft world for a little bit. I
Being a Windows Phone fan from the US is not easy. IE is even less so after their wee hours memo that came out the other day. As Paul Thurrott put so well in his The Morning After post I can no longer proselytize Windows Phone to my friends and family (though that is the platform I
It seems like Microsoft just had this same thing happen in August 2013, another in September. They’ve pulled SP1 for SharePoint 2013 on prem (I know I’m a little late…this post has been a draft for a while). My point is, though, it’s going to happen again. With that in the back of my mind,
Changing the HTTP redirect URL in one website in IIS changes the redirect URL on other websites. How can I redirect multiple host names in IIS to different URLs? I am currently working on a SharePoint 2013 deployment to house a couple of intranets within one farm and one web app. This is an on