Category: Business

Copy SharePoint Custom Pages – Why is it so hard!

I have recently been creating a new out of the box solution in SharePoint 2013 On-Prem making use of a large collection of pages. I’m very happy with the design, and they have been set up to need minimal customization after initial creation; however, the process of copying my template page to its final location

Learning SharePoint Again

I started this blog to post about things that I was using and learning at work, and at the time it was really focused on things in the Microsoft stack – SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, SQL, etc. However, I took a little detour a while back and left the Microsoft world for a little bit. I

Scrum and PMI. Can They Co-Exist?

Scrum, PMI, both? I think that if you try to put the two in the same sentence you will often get very different and even highly polarized responses. I hold a PMP certification from the Project Management Institute and come from that mindset. When I began learning about software development Waterfall was the way! That’s